UTC Associates’ CEO Is Recipient Of First Asian American Distinguished Alumni Award

NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Aziz Ahmad, CEO of UTC Associates, a leading Systems and Network Integration Company, is the recipient of the first Asian American Distinguished Alumni Award by AAARI, Asian American / Asian Research Institute (AAARI) of City University of New York. The annual Gala is attended by over 400 Asian and non-Asian academic, business, civic and community leaders, faculty, staff and students. Their other honoree this year is Christine C. Quinn, the speaker, New York City Council.

“Aziz Ahmad’s story is an inspiring one. Mr. Ahmad, a City College of New York alumnus, credits CUNY with shaping his view of America and the world. He exemplifies the contributions of Asian American CUNY alumni, not just by his business success, but by his many philanthropic endeavors,” said Joyce Moy, Executive Director of AAARI.

“Aziz deserves this recognition of achievements in the fields of telecommunications and information technology. We share his pride in being a leader in the voice over Internet Protocol [VoIP] movement—and for his success as a network architect and visionary serving the needs of global, national and local users of voice, data, and broadband software and services. Aziz is a role model not only for the entire South Asian subcontinent, but also for students and graduates of City College who seek to make the most of their CCNY education.”, said Gregory H. Williams, President, The City College of New York.

“Aziz Ahmad is a distinguished member of the Board of Grameen Solutions and it is my pleasure to work with Aziz . He keeps us connected with the expanding frontier of Information Technology and helps us leveraging technology in Bangladesh. Congratulations on your wonderful 7th year celebration of esteemed Asian research Institute of City University of New York”, said Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus, the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize Winner.

About UTC Associates

UTC Associates, Inc., headquartered on Wall Street in New York City, is a solutions-based leading systems & network integration company focusing on all key aspects of complex network planning, design, testing, implementation and support. UTC has practices in Telecommunications, Information Technology and Network Management. UTC’s team of professionals consists of individuals at the top of their respective fields. Each engineer has the educational background, industry certifications and communication skills required to produce the highest levels of customer satisfaction. The company provides services to both large and small customers including Fortune 1000 firms across many different industry sectors. To learn more, visit www.utcassociates.com.


The Asian American / Asian Research Institute (AAARI) was established by The City University of New York (CUNY) Board of Trustees, The Institute is a university-wide scholarly research and resource center that focuses on policies and issues that affect Asians and Asian Americans. It covers four areas: Asian American Studies; East Asian Studies; South Asian Studies; and Trade & Technology Studies. To learn more, visit www.aaari.com.


The Culver Studios Selects UTC Associates, Inc. to Provide Managed Services For Convergent VoIP, Data, and Wireless Network